
Showing posts from July, 2017

Elder Scrolls Online Guide to Leveling

Don’t be like most Elder Scrolls Online players and level slowly. This Elder Scrolls Online Guide will explain how you can increase your leveling speed by leaps and bounds. You will get tips on how to level faster no matter if you prefer grinding or questing. There are Elder Scrolls Online guide members that have gone from level 1 to 50 in 36 hours. So quit wasting time and keep reading to learn how to level faster in Elder Scrolls Online. Elder Scrolls Online Guide - General Leveling Tips: You will want to start by purchasing items with training or exploration on them from the Fighters or Mages guild, Market Districts, or Guild Traders. In order to keep crafting new items as you level you should also be researching training and exploration on all of your gear pieces. Don’t forget to purchase neck and ring items from the Mages Guild. Repairing Items versus Crafting New Items As you are leveling you want to save gold. One great way to do this is to forget ...